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React - componentWillReceiveProps alternative [duplicate]




I use React with NextJS.

I have a component which is basically a table which gives some summary. Based on some UI selection, this component is expected to show appropriate summary.

The below code works perfectly fine.

class Summary extends Component{      state = {         total: 0,         pass: 0,         fail: 0,         passp: 0,         failp: 0     }      componentWillReceiveProps(props){         let total = props.results.length;         let pass  = props.results.filter(r => r.status == 'pass').length;         let fail  = total - pass;         let passp = (pass/(total || 1) *100).toFixed(2);         let failp = (fail/(total || 1) *100).toFixed(2);         this.setState({total, pass, fail, passp, failp});     }      render() {         return(           <Table color="teal" >                 <Table.Header>                   <Table.Row textAlign="center">                     <Table.HeaderCell>TOTAL</Table.HeaderCell>                     <Table.HeaderCell>PASS</Table.HeaderCell>                     <Table.HeaderCell>FAIL</Table.HeaderCell>                     <Table.HeaderCell>PASS %</Table.HeaderCell>                     <Table.HeaderCell>FAIL %</Table.HeaderCell>                                                    </Table.Row>                 </Table.Header>                 <Table.Body>                   <Table.Row textAlign="center">                     <Table.Cell>{this.state.total}</Table.Cell>                     <Table.Cell >{this.state.pass}</Table.Cell>                     <Table.Cell >{this.state.fail}</Table.Cell>                                                          <Table.Cell >{this.state.passp}</Table.Cell>                     <Table.Cell >{this.state.failp}</Table.Cell>                                                         </Table.Row>                 </Table.Body>            </Table>                      );     } } 

Looks like componentWillReceiveProps will be deprecated. I tried other options like shouldComponentUpdate etc..they all lead to infinite loop. What is best approach to update the state from the props to re-render this component?

like image 853
KitKarson Avatar asked Jun 05 '18 04:06


People also ask

What should I use instead of componentWillReceiveProps?

getDerivedStateFromProps is one of those newly introduced lifecycle method replacing componentWillReceiveProps , which has now become UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps .

Is componentWillReceiveProps deprecated?

The componentWillReceiveProps() method is being deprecated in future version of React (17). Many of us use this method day-to-day to check for incoming prop changes, store state, and to invoke side effects like logging or fetching data from a server.

What can I use instead of componentDidUpdate?

getDerivedStateFromProps is actually replacement for componentWillReceiveProps and componentDidMount is not going to be deprecated.

Why is Componentwillmount deprecated?

The reason for this decision is twofold: All three methods are frequently use incorrectly and there are better alternatives. When asynchronous rendering is implemented in React, misuse of these will be problematic, and the interrupting behavior of error handling could result in memory leaks.

1 Answers

From react blog, 16.3 introduced deprecation notices for componentWillRecieveProps.

As a workaround, you would use the method

static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) 


componentWillReceiveProps(props){     let total = props.results.length;     let pass  = props.results.filter(r => r.status == 'pass').length;     let fail  = total - pass;     let passp = (pass/(total || 1) *100).toFixed(2);     let failp = (fail/(total || 1) *100).toFixed(2);     this.setState({total, pass, fail, passp, failp}); } 


static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {   if (nextProps.total !== prevState.total) {     return ({ total: nextProps.total }) // <- this is setState equivalent   }   return null } 
like image 177
Denis Tsoi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Denis Tsoi