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React-Bootstrap FormControl with Icon

I am trying to add an icon to an input field using React Bootstrap and react-fa (font-awesome). Is there a prop I can set on the Form Control component? The code below I've inserted an icon but it's obviously above the input not inside.

        <ControlLabel>Email address</ControlLabel>
        <Icon spin name="spinner" />
            placeholder="Your email"
            className="login-input" />
            placeholder="Your password"
            className="login-input" />
        <FormControl.Feedback />
    <Button bsStyle="success btn-raised btn-block" bsSize="large" onClick={this.closeModal}>Let's Go</Button>
like image 717
jamesscaggs Avatar asked May 12 '17 21:05


2 Answers

There is a quick and easy "out of the box" solution to the problem. Just wrap your <Form.Control> in an <InputGroup> and add a <InputGroup.Prepend>, which will contain the icon you wish to include. The content of the <InputGroup.Prepend> is not restricted, it can be text, symbols, other components, etc.

Have in mind, the syntax has changed a bit since we're probably using different versions of react-bootstrap.

I am including an example of my code, which uses a react-fontawesome icon inside a text input field.

                    <Form.Group as={Col}>
                                    <FontAwesomeIcon icon="search" />
                                placeholder="Search here.."

It looks like this: searchbar-example

An official example by react-bootstrap can be found here. Hope that helps! Cheers!

PS: libs used "react-bootstrap": "^1.0.0-beta.8" (bootstra 4.3) and "@fortawesome/react-fontawesome": "^0.1.4"

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Andonov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


It doesn't look like react-bootstrap supports font-awesome icons out of the box according to the docs. However, it appears you can cheat. It's possible to put a <FontAwesome> control inside the <FormControl.Feedback> react-bootstrap control and have it display the icon inside the text box.

I tested this using react-bootstrap version 0.31.0. I also used the react-fontawesome NPM package (here) to actually add the icon. You would do something like the following:

<ControlLabel>Email address</ControlLabel>
    placeholder="Your email"
    <span style={{ top: '5px' }}>
        <FontAwesome name="check" spin key="icon" />

That addition of a <span> and inline style were needed to properly center the icon. I suspect that was necessary because I am breaking some rules for how the <FormControl.Feedback> renders icons. That wasn't needed when I used the <Glyphicon> instead. Unfortunately, there is no built in spin/rotate feature with the <Glyphicon>.

A bit of a hack, so use with caution.

like image 34
Henry Daehnke Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10

Henry Daehnke