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React Async Select

I am struggling with Async Select from react-select. I managed to display some defaultOptions and do an async fetch of its options using promises and loadOptions prop.

What I need is to have the options updated (resolve the promise) when the dropdown of options is displayed on click. Is there a way to execute the same promise onClick (even in onChange)?

I am using the following codepen provided by react-select team https://codesandbox.io/s/7w4w9yyrmx?module=/example.js

Thank you for your help!

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David Casanellas Avatar asked Nov 20 '18 17:11

David Casanellas

People also ask

How do you handle react select?

To handle the onChange event on a select element in React: Set the onChange prop on the select element. Keep the value of the selected option in a state variable. Every time the user changes the selected option, update the state variable.

How do I use the react dropdown select?

To create a dropdown select in React, use the react-select library. The react-select library has features dynamic search/filter, async option loading, accessibility, and fast render times. In addition, it has a flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS with multi-select, autocomplete, and ajax support.

How do you get the selected value from react select?

To fetch the selected value from the select element, you can use the onChange event handler prop. Just like the input or textarea elements, you can use the onChange event handler to get the value from the event object. Now, make this select input element controlled by using the state to pass the value.

2 Answers

I actually found a way to solve it using a basic react-select. I am going to manage the options using a react state being set onMenuOpen. Using this approach, I have control on what options are displayed when the user clicks on the select.


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David Casanellas Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11

David Casanellas

By enabling defaultOptions as true the Component will immediately load the loadOptions. So it is working as intended.

There is actually no way to update the options because it will only do that if there is a inputValue && loadedInputValue. You could provide a Pull Request to add that feature.

 render() {
      const { loadOptions, ...props } = this.props;
      const {
      } = this.state;
      const options = passEmptyOptions
        ? []
        : inputValue && loadedInputValue ? loadedOptions : defaultOptions || [];
      return (
        // $FlowFixMe
          filterOption={this.props.filterOption || null}
          ref={ref => {
            this.select = ref;

Source: https://github.com/JedWatson/react-select/blob/master/src/Async.js#L150-L176

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Murat Karagöz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Murat Karagöz