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React Apollo - Make Multiple Queries

I have a queries file that looks like this:

import {gql} from 'react-apollo';  const queries = {   getApps: gql`     {       apps {         id         name       }     }   `,   getSubjects: gql`     {       subjects {         id         name       }     }   ` };  export default queries; 

I then import this file to my React component:

import React, {Component} from 'react' import queries from './queries'  class Test extends Component { ... }  export default graphql(queries.getSubjects)(graphql(queries.getApps)(Test)); 

This will only get data for one of the queries (getApps) and not both. If I do one at a time so that it looks like this:

export default graphql(queries.getSubjects)(Test); 

then it works but I don't have my other query. Yes, I have tested both separately and they work. How do I get it so that both queries show up in my props.data?

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user2465134 Avatar asked Apr 12 '17 22:04


People also ask

Can GraphQL schema have multiple queries?

The multiple queries are executed in the same requested order. ✳️ Note: This is different from query batching, in which the GraphQL server also executes multiple queries in a single request, but those queries are merely executed one after the other, independently from each other. This feature improves performance.

How do I call useQuery multiple times?

So the answers to your questions: How do I call useQuery multiple times? You don't call it multiple times. The component will automatically rerender when the query result is available or gets updated.

Does Apollo Client batch queries?

Apollo Client handles batching like this using apollo-link-batch-http . It's also worth noting that this method requires the server to be able to receive an array of operations as well as single operations.

2 Answers

My preferred way is to use the compose functionality of the apollo client (docu).

EDIT: If you have more than one query you should name them.

So in your case, it could look like this:

import React, {Component} from 'react'  import queries from './queries'  import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo';    class Test extends Component {  ...      render() {      ...            console.log(this.props.subjectsQuery, this.props.appsQuery); // should show both             ...    }  }    export default compose(     graphql(queries.getSubjects, {        name: "subjectsQuery"     }),     graphql(queries.getApps, {        name: "appsQuery"     }),  )(Test);
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Locco0_0 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09


If you don't want to reuse any of those queries independently, why not make a single request by combining both queries in one i.e:

const combinedQueries = gql` {   apps {     id     name   }   subjects {     id     name   } } ` 

and then you can use it in your component

import React, {Component} from 'react' import combinedQueries from './combinedQueries'  class Test extends Component {    ...    render() {      ...      if(!this.props.combinedQueries.loading) {        console.log(this.props.combinedQueries.apps);        console.log(this.props.combinedQueries.subjects);      }      ...    } }  export default graphql(combinedQueries, {name: 'combinedQueries'})(Test); 
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Eesa Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09
