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Re-enable WebGL without restarting Chrome

When Chrome stops WebGL and gives you the following error (in a yellow banner on top of the screen): "Rats! WebGL hit a snag...", and reloading does not work (WebGL is still not re-enabled), is it possible to re-enable WebGL without restarting Chrome?


  • Chrome disables WebGL probably because it requires too many resources: I ask it to display 400,000 billboards on Cesium, for those who know what this is.
  • I know how I could reduce the resources my app asks for, but actually I am exploring its limits for testing purposes. So I am going to make Chrome disable WebGL a lot of times, and I do not want to restart it everytime it disables WebGL.

My configuration:

  • Chrome 35.0.1916.114 m
  • Windows 7 Pro 64 bit.

Solutions explored:

  • I already tried to open a new Chrome window, it does not work. For the moment all I can do is close all Chrome windows and restart it.
  • I already tried to put --ignore-gpu-blacklist in the Chrome shortcut (even if I understood this is for Windows XP, right?).

Hope I was clear enough. Thank you for your help.

like image 703
dgiugg Avatar asked Jun 02 '14 15:06


People also ask

How do I activate WebGL in Chrome?

To enable WebGL on your browser: Chrome: type "about: flags" in the address bar, then search for WebGL and activate the option. Firefox: type "about: config" in the address bar then search for "webgl. force-enabled" and change the value to "true".

Why is WebGL not working Chrome?

If you aren't able to run WebGL in Chrome, make sure that you update to the most recent version of Chrome. If you are using the most recent version of Chrome and can't access WebGL content, make sure that hardware acceleration is enabled in your Chrome settings.

1 Answers

I was having the same problem and I just found a solution. It sounds like this didn't work back when this question was posted but, it works now!

Refreshing the page doesn't work. If you clicked a link from a different tab to open the tab the crashed, clicking that link again doesn't work. You have to open a new tab and paste in the URL of the page that you want to reload.

I'm guessing this is due to chrome threading... by opening a brand new tab, you create a new thread instead of using the existing one.

like image 121
sketch Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 17:09
