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RDS Database storage runs out of space

I just upgraded my RDS Storage from 10GB to 20GB and after a couple of days RDS says Storage full again.

Running this query in MySQL workbench against the same DB says the DB size is 43MB

SELECT table_schema "database_name", 
sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 
1024 "Data Base Size in MB", 
sum( data_free )/ 1024 / 1024 "Free Space in MB" 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
GROUP BY table_schema ;  

So is there something going on with the logs that MySQL creates or the backups etc that might fill up my storage space on the production servers.

Please help.

like image 592
Aakash Avatar asked Aug 26 '11 21:08


People also ask

Can RDS run out of space?

An Amazon RDS DB instance in the storage-full status doesn't have enough available space to perform basic operations, such as connecting to or restarting the instance. To resolve this issue, do the following: Confirm that the DB instance status is storage-full. Increase the allocated storage of your DB instance.

How do I free up space on my AWS RDS?

After you create an Amazon RDS DB instance, you can't modify the allocated storage size of the DB instance to decrease the total storage space it uses. To decrease the storage size of your DB instance, create a new DB instance that has less provisioned storage size.

How much data can you store on RDS?

All RDS for Microsoft SQL Server DB instances have a maximum storage of 16 TiB, so there are no entries for SQL Server. For more details about all instance classes supported, see Previous generation DB instances .

How do I check my AWS RDS storage utilization?

View the VolumeBytesUsed in the RDS consoleOpen the Amazon Relational Database Service console. Choose the AWS Region where you created the Aurora MySQL-Compatible DB cluster. Choose Databases from the navigation pane, and then choose the name of the DB instance that you want to monitor. Choose the Monitoring tab.

What is the longest you can store an automatic RDS backup?

You can set the backup retention period from 1 to 35 days. The maximum retention period currently available for automated snapshots is 35 days. When automated backups are turned on for your DB Instance, Amazon RDS automatically performs a full, daily snapshot of your data and captures transaction logs.

1 Answers

Its probably mysql.slow_log table which takes so much space.
You can remove slow logs by executing following sql:

CALL mysql.rds_rotate_slow_log
like image 138
user980177 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10
