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RDKit: how to check molecules for exact match?

I'm using RDKit and trying to check molecules for exact match. After using Chem.MolFromSmiles() the expression m == p apparently doesn't lead to the desired result. Of course, I can check whether p is a substructure of m and whether m is a substructure of p. But to me this looks too complicated. I couldn't find or overlooked a code example for exact match in the RDKit-documentation. How do I do this correctly? Thank you for hints.


from rdkit import Chem

myPattern = 'c1ccc2c(c1)c3ccccc3[nH]2'          # Carbazole
myMolecule = 'C1=CC=C2C(=C1)C3=CC=CC=C3N2'      # Carbazole

m = Chem.MolFromSmiles(myMolecule)
p = Chem.MolFromSmiles(myPattern)

print(m == p)                    # returns False, first (unsuccessful) attempt to check for identity

print(m.HasSubstructMatch(p))    # returns True
print(p.HasSubstructMatch(m))    # returns True
print(m.HasSubstructMatch(p) and p.HasSubstructMatch(m))    # returns True, so are the molecules identical?
like image 713
theozh Avatar asked Feb 13 '20 15:02


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2 Answers

To check if two different SMILES represent the same molecule you can canonicalize the SMILES.

from rdkit import Chem

myPattern = 'c1ccc2c(c1)c3ccccc3[nH]2'
myMolecule = 'C1=CC=C2C(=C1)C3=CC=CC=C3N2'

a = Chem.CanonSmiles(myPattern)
b = Chem.CanonSmiles(myMolecule)



like image 98
rapelpy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


My RDKit knowledge isn't great and their documentation is famously terrible but I have done this kind of thing myself. A (perhaps over-engineered) method would be to generate a graph with networkx and just compare the nodes and edges.

This is surprisingly simple, using rdkit to read the file/smiles string then just generate the topology on the fly. If you generate an rdkit_mol object from a smiles string as you have above, you would then do:

import networkx as nx

def topology_from_rdkit(rdkit_molecule):

    topology = nx.Graph()
    for atom in rdkit_molecule.GetAtoms():
        # Add the atoms as nodes

        # Add the bonds as edges
        for bonded in atom.GetNeighbors():
            topology.add_edge(atom.GetIdx(), bonded.GetIdx())

    return topology

def is_isomorphic(topology1, topology2):
    return nx.is_isomorphic(topology1, topology2)
like image 24
QuantumChris Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
