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Razor view engine, how to write inbetween html?

i have some problem with a razor syntax. I would like to know how to write inbetween html.. see this sample..

    @foreach (var x in Model) {
            @x.Subject - Tags:&nbsp;

            @if (x.Tags != null)

                foreach (var t in x.Tags)
                No tags

I should be able to write "No Tags" but this doesnt work... No tags seem included in the code (which is not what i want.


like image 630
Rushino Avatar asked Feb 10 '11 01:02


2 Answers

You need to explicitly tell Razor that you're writing HTML, by writing @:No Tags or <text>No Tags</text>.

like image 166
SLaks Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11


Does using the <text> tag work? For example:

<text>No tags</text>
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dommer Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11
