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Razor RenderSection throwing error if not defined

Using @RenderSection("SectionName", false), why do I need to explicitly set the 2nd parameter to false when the Intellisense already states that the default is false?

Update: is the tool tip wrong?

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Omar Avatar asked Feb 15 '11 01:02


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2 Answers

The RTM signature of the RenderSection method is:

public HelperResult RenderSection(string name, bool required)

There also exists an override that looks like this:

public HelperResult RenderSection(string name) {
    return RenderSection(name, required: true);

Note that this method no longer uses default parameters, instead opting for explicit overrides.

The signature of this method changed twice during the development of MVC 3 which explains why you might be seeing confusing examples.

Edit: It appears that the MVC 3 RTM documentation is incorrect and erroneously references a default value of the required parameter.

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marcind Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09


it needs to be true. You are saying that the section is optional.

@RenderSection("SectionName", true)

or @RenderSection("SectionName", optional: true)

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rkrauter Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09
