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Razor: custom BeginForm()-like Razor disposable block doesn't work in some cases

I have a custom implementation of a block that works much like Html.BeginForm(). The implementation is basically as follows:

public class MyBlock : IDisposable {
    private readonly HtmlHelper _html;

    public MyBlock(HtmlHelper hml) {

    public void Dispose() {

Then in my view I can do:

@using (new MyBlock(Html)) {
    @: some content

To get:

some content

This all works fine. However, I run into trouble when using my block inside a "razor snippet", e. g. when passing some razor content to a function which takes a Func<object, HelperResult> as an argument. For example, I have another HtmlHelper function defined as follows:

public static IHtmlString Content(this HtmlHelper @this, Func<object, HelperResult> razor) {
    return razor(null);

@* use in a view as: *@
    var razorContent = Html.Content(@<div>Some razor content</div>);

When I do the following, though, the inner content renders without the outer content:

    var content =Html.Content(
            @using (new MyBlock(Html)) {
                @: some content 2

I think the issue is that "Html" still refers to the HtmlHelper of the outer context, and thus BEGIN and END are sent to a different writer than "some content 2", however, I'm not sure that this is the case.

Does anyone know (1) what is going wrong and (2) how I can fix it?

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ChaseMedallion Avatar asked Jan 02 '13 22:01


1 Answers

Partial solution of your problem is to invoke WriteTo method of HelperResult. You can change Content method to something like this:

public static void Content(this HtmlHelper @this, Func<object, HelperResult> razor)

and then use it that way:

@{ Html.Content(
            @using (new MyBlock(Html)) {
                @: some content 2


If you would like to return value as IHtmlString or any other string you can do this:

public static IHtmlString Content(this HtmlHelper @this, Func<object, HelperResult> razor)
    using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
    using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(ms))
        Delegate @delegate = (Delegate)razor;
        WebViewPage target = (WebViewPage)@delegate.Target;
        TextWriter tmp = target.Html.ViewContext.Writer;
            target.Html.ViewContext.Writer = tw;
            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            TextReader tr = new StreamReader(ms);

            return MvcHtmlString.Create(tr.ReadToEnd());
            target.Html.ViewContext.Writer = tmp;
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Sławomir Rosiek Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 19:10

Sławomir Rosiek