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RavenDB: How to query with multiple search terms



My entity is:

class Resource
    string Name;
    string EmployeeId;

How do I query for resources of multiple employees? I tried this:

Resource[] FindResourcesByEmployees(string[] employeeIds)
    return this.Session.Query<Resource>()
        .Where(r => employeeIds.Contains(r.EmployeeId))

However that gives me NotSupportedException: Method not supported: Contains. Then I tried the following method:

Resource[] FindResourcesByEmployees(string[] employeeIds)
    return this.Session.Query<Resource>()
        .Where(r => employeeIds.Any(v => v == r.EmployeeId))

That throws NotSupportedException: Expression type not supported: System.Linq.Expressions.TypedParameterException.

In SQL it would be something like:

SELECT * FROM resource WHERE employeeid IN (1, 2, 3)

My question is, how do I perform this query in RavenDB?

like image 809
K Ronning Avatar asked Oct 26 '11 07:10

K Ronning

1 Answers

You can use the In operator. If I remember correctly your code should look like this:

using Raven.Client.Linq;

Resource[] FindResourcesByEmployees(string[] employeeIds)
    return this.Session.Query<Resource>()
        .Where(r => r.EmployeeId.In<string>(employeeIds)))
like image 95
Thomas Freudenberg Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 15:10

Thomas Freudenberg