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Raspberry pi Arduino Libraries folder

I've got a raspberry pi and arduino connected over serial port. Everything works, except the Arduino IDE does not have an 'import library' section for adding new libraries.

I can only import libraries that come with the IDE. I want to add more libraries to Arduino IDE on the pi and wanted to know where the libraries folder could be found.

So far I haven't found it anywhere.

Anyone got any experience with it?

Another heads up, running raspbian wheezy.

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kkaul Avatar asked Jul 29 '13 17:07


People also ask

Where is the Arduino libraries folder?

On Windows, it would be My Documents\Arduino\libraries. To add your own library, create a new directory in the libraries directory with the name of your library. The folder should contain a C or C++ file with your code and a header file with your function and variable declarations.

Can you use Arduino libraries on Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a full featured Linux board, complete with desktop applications. It will run the Arduino IDE, too.

How do I manually install Arduino libraries?

To install the Arduino library manually, we need to download the library as a zip file, expand it and save it in the Arduino library directory. Zip folder contains all necessary files including example sketches if the author of that library has provided.

How do I find my Arduino library code?

The Arduino Source Code files can be accessed by going to the directory containing your Arduino Software. On Windows, you can type Arduino in the start, right-click on Arduino and click on 'Open File Location'.

1 Answers

you can add your libraries in


then just include them with the include statement

#include <myAwesomeLib.h>

Hope it helps! :)

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ladislas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09
