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Range based for loops and multiple iterators

I have the following code, representing a mesh in a 3D application (some code ommited for clarity):

class Mesh {
    typedef std::vector<Vertex> Vertices;
    typedef std::vector<int> Elements;

    template<class VerticesIt, class ElementsIt>
    Mesh(const VerticesIt verticesBegin,
         const VerticesIt verticesEnd,
         const ElementsIt elementsBegin,
         const ElementsIt elementsEnd) :
    vertices_(verticesBegin, verticesEnd),
    elements_(elementsBegin, elementsEnd) {
    virtual ~Mesh();

    typename Vertices::const_iterator verticesBegin() const {
        return vertices_.begin();

    typename Vertices::const_iterator verticesEnd() const {
        return vertices_.end();

    typename Elements::const_iterator elementsBegin() const {
        return elements_.begin();

    typename Elements::const_iterator elementsEnd() const {
        return elements_.end();

    Vertices vertices_;
    Elements elements_;


It works quite nicely, providing a clear interface to the internal data. No implementation details are exposed for the containers.

I have one little hiccup regarding this though. I can not use range based for loops, iterators has to be used:

for (auto it = mesh.verticesBegin(); it != mesh.verticesEnd(); ++it) {
// Do stuff

for (auto it = mesh.elementsBegin(); it != mesh.elementsEnd(); ++it) {
// Do stuff

A bit verbose for my taste. My preferred client code would instead look like this:

for(auto & vert : mesh.vertices) {
// Do stuff.

for(auto & element : mesh.elements) {
// Do stuff.

Is it possible to achieve this without exposing implementation details of the containers? Also, I would not like to wrap the containers into custom classes, since I want full access to the chosen container (std::vector) inside the Mesh class.

like image 784
Morgan Bengtsson Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 04:12

Morgan Bengtsson

1 Answers

You could use some sort of proxy, such as this:

template<typename Container>
class ConstIteratorProxy
    ConstIteratorProxy(const Container& container) : container_(container) { }
    typename Container::const_iterator begin() const {
        return container_.begin();
    typename Container::const_iterator end() const {
        return container_.end();
    const Container& container_;

And in Mesh:

ConstIteratorProxy<Vertices> vertices() const {
    return ConstIteratorProxy<Vertices>(vertices_);
ConstIteratorProxy<Elements> elements() const {
    return ConstIteratorProxy<Elements>(elements_);

Then to use it:

Mesh m;
for (auto& v : m.vertices()) { }
for (auto& e : m.elements()) { }
like image 141
jhoffman0x Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 12:12
