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randomized quicksort: probability of two elements comparison?

I am reading "Probability and Computing" by M.Mitzenmacher and E.Upfal. I am having problems understanding how the probability of comparison of two elements is calculated.

Input: sorted list (y1,y2,...,yN) of numbers. We are looking for pivot element (randomly). Question: what is probability that two elements yi and yj (j>i) will be compared?

Answer (from book): yi and yj will be compared if either yi or yj will be selected as pivot in first draw from sequence (yi,yi+1,...,yj-1,yj). So the probablity is: 2/(j-i+1).

The problem for me is the initial claim: for example, picking up yi in the first draw from the whole list will cause the comparison with yj (and vice-versa) and the probability is 2/n.

So, rather the "reverse" claim is true -- none of the (yi+1,...,yj-1) elements can be selected before yi or yj, but the "pool" size is not fixed (in first draw it is N for sure, but on the second it is smaller).

Could someone please explain how the authors come up with such a simplified conclusion?

Edit1: some good soul polished my post, thank you :-).

Edit2: the list is sorted initially.

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bantu Avatar asked May 01 '10 16:05


1 Answers

Quicksort works by comparing each element with the pivot: those larger than the pivot are placed on the right of the pivot, and those not larger on the left (or the other way around if you want a descending sort, it doesn't matter).

At each step, the pivot is chosen from a sequence (yi, yi+1, ..., yj). How many elements in this sequence? j - i + 1 (I think you had a typo, it can't be y - i + 1).

So the probability of selecting one of two specific elements from this list is obviously 2 / (j - i + 1).

The problem for me is initial claim: for example, picking up yi in the first draw from the whole list will cause the comparison with yj (and vice-versa) and the probability is 2/n.

Picking yi will cause it to be compared with the other j - i elements only. Where did you get n from? Remember that your list only goes from yi to yj!


Reading the question again, I do find it a bit ambiguous. The probability of comparing two elements at the first step of the recursion is indeed 2 / n as you say, because the i and j are 1 and n. The probability of comparing two elements at an unknown recursive step is what I explained above.

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IVlad Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 13:01
