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Random server port spring boot in a given range



I want to start Spring Cloud application (Spring Boot 1.5.14, Spring Cloud Edgware.SR4) on a random port in a given range (5001-5100). I know we can specify random port in Spring Boot application using server.port=0, but I am facing these two issues:

  1. Choose dynamically available port in a given range [5000-5100]
  2. Eureka registry shows port as 0 when I use server.port=0, does spring cloud support dynamic ports?
like image 663
Munish Chandel Avatar asked Aug 03 '18 04:08

Munish Chandel

People also ask

How do I run a Spring boot on a random port?

Using properties to set the random port We can set fixed and random port using application. yml in any spring boot aplication. Spring boot will assign a random port if we set it to 0 in application properties. We can set a random port in a custom predefined range using the below configuration.

Can port number be random?

These are randomly selected and used for temporary connections. 1024-5000 have been used by a number of OSes. IANA officially recommends 49152-65535 for the Ephemeral Ports. Port 8080 is the most common "high" port that people use (i.e. alternate web server port).

How do I get local server host and port in Spring boot?

To get the server address you can use the InetAddress class to get the local ip-address, for the port you can use ${server. port:8080} is you are using tomcat (this trick would also work for the server.

What can I use instead of SocketUtils?

Instead of using SocketUtils to find an available local port for a server, it is recommended that you rely on a server's ability to start on a random port that it selects or is assigned by the operating system. To interact with that server, you should query the server for the port it is currently using.

1 Answers

Spring provides utility class to scan available TCP port, so I have used the below method to set a random server port.

public static void setRandomPort(int minPort, int maxPort) {
   try {
        String userDefinedPort = System.getProperty("server.port", System.getenv("SERVER_PORT"));
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userDefinedPort)) {
           int port = SocketUtils.findAvailableTcpPort(minPort, maxPort);
           System.setProperty("server.port", String.valueOf(port));
           log.info("Server port set to {}.", port);
    } catch (IllegalStateException var4) {
           log.warn("No port available in range 5000-5100. Default embedded server configuration will be used.");

Now this method can be called in main class of Spring Boot Application before starting the spring context, just like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
     ApplicationContext ctx = SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
     logger.info("Application " + ctx.getApplicationName() + " started");

Now this random port configuration works fine in Spring Cloud environment.

like image 82
Munish Chandel Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Munish Chandel