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Rake: logging any task executing

how can I create database logging for every rake task without changing source of tasks ? I need to store datetime , task name , parameters . Is there some kind of observer etc ?

like image 412
Fivell Avatar asked May 27 '11 12:05


1 Answers

You can override Rake::Task#invoke method in application.rb:

module Rake
  class Task
    alias_method :origin_invoke, :invoke if method_defined?(:invoke)
    def invoke(*args)
      logger = Logger.new('rake_tasks_log.log')
      logger.info "#{Time.now} -- #{name} -- #{args.inspect}"

output for rake test:

2011-05-27 16:57:42 +0300 -- test -- []
2011-05-27 16:57:42 +0300 -- test:units -- []
2011-05-27 16:57:51 +0300 -- db:test:load -- []
2011-05-27 16:57:51 +0300 -- db:schema:load -- []
2011-05-27 16:58:19 +0300 -- test:functionals -- []
2011-05-27 16:58:49 +0300 -- test:integration -- []
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Vasiliy Ermolovich Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Vasiliy Ermolovich