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Rails3 - Caching in development mode with Rails.cache.fetch

In development, the following (simplified) statement always logs a cache miss, in production it works as expected:

@categories = Rails.cache.fetch("categories", :expires_in => 5.minutes) do
  Rails.logger.info "+++ Cache missed +++"

If I change config.cache_classes from false to true in config/development.rb, it works as well in development mode, however, this makes development rather painful. Is there any configuration setting that is like config.cache_classes = false except that Rails.cache.fetch is fetching from cache if possible?

like image 288
Markus Proske Avatar asked Apr 12 '11 13:04

Markus Proske

1 Answers

Try placing the following in /config/environments/development.rb:

# Temporarily enable caching in development (COMMENT OUT WHEN DONE!)
config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

Additionally, if your cache store configuration is in /config/environments/production.rb, then you will need to copy the appropriate line into development.rb as well. For example, if your cache store is the Dalli memcache gem:

# copied from production.rb into development.rb for caching in development
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, '' 

Hope that helps.

like image 83
ms-ati Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 09:09
