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Rails validation context

I need help with my ActiveRecord model. I have context based validations (mis)using the build-in context options for validations:

validates :foo, :on => :bar, :presence => true

model = Model.new
model.foo = nil
model.valid? # => true
model.save # works as expected

model.valid?(:bar) # => false
model.save(:context => :bar) # fails and returns false

But using my model in a accepts_nested_attributes_for :model and calling parent.save fails (the validation gets called and returns false), any suggestions or solutions?

Still no answer? To explain more about my problem: I have a model called Form which has many Fields. Users should see validation errors on submit, but the form should be saved anyway (with and without errors). There are different types of Fields, each with global validations (to ensure database consistency) and its own specific user-defined validations (to validate user-entered data). So my Fields look someway like that:

 # Global validations, to ensure database consistency
 # If this validations fail, the record should not be saved!
 validates_associated :form, :on => :global

 # Specific user-defined validations
 # If this validations fail, the record should be saved but marked as invalid. (Which is done by a before_save filter btw.)
 def validate
   validations.each do |validation| # Array of `ActiveModel::Validations`, defined by the user and stored in a hash in the database
     validation.new(:on => :specific).validate(self)

In my controller:

 # def create
 # ...
 form.attributes = params[:form]

Is something similar possible in Rails using the built-in functionality? Btw this not my actual code, which is quite complicated. But I hope, you guys will get the idea.

like image 711
Mario Uher Avatar asked May 17 '11 14:05

Mario Uher

People also ask

How does validation work in Rails?

Rails built-in Validation MethodsValidates whether associated objects are all valid themselves. Work with any kind of association. It validates whether a user has entered matching information like password or email in second entry field. Validates each attribute against a block.

What is the difference between validate and validates in rails?

So remember folks, validates is for Rails validators (and custom validator classes ending with Validator if that's what you're into), and validate is for your custom validator methods.

How do I validate in Ruby on Rails?

This helper validates the attributes' values by testing whether they match a given regular expression, which is specified using the :with option. Alternatively, you can require that the specified attribute does not match the regular expression by using the :without option. The default error message is "is invalid".

How do I bypass validation?

A very common way to skip validation is by keeping the value for immediate attribute as 'true' for the UIComponents. Immediate attribute allow processing of components to move up to the Apply Request Values phase of the lifecycle. scenario: While canceling a specific action, system should not perform the validation.

1 Answers

Try conditional validations

class Customer 
  attr_accessor :managing 

  validates_presence_of :first_name
  validates_presence_of :last_name 

  with_options :unless => :managing do |o|
    o.validates_inclusion_of :city, :in=> ["San Diego","Rochester"]
    o.validates_length_of :biography, :minimum => 100 

@customer.managing = true
@customer.attributes = params[:customer]
like image 182
Anton Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
