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rails storing password in a session

I have a rails app that makes web api call , the rails app by itself doesn't have any database or userstore. Every api call needs to be sent username and password for each request.

I would like to provide an authentication mechanism for the rails app. I am planning to do it this way :

  1. Show a login page
  2. Get the username and password
  3. Store the username and password
  4. Perform a manual authentication either via warden.authenticate or authlogic.something ( or may be even that is not required can just check if session has something stored )
  5. And then when user does something I pass the username and password that was stored earlier.

Now my problem is where do I store the password ? If I use session I cannot use cookie store obviously , I can use session_store = :active_record_store but not sure if its safe , also I don't have any database as of now so why should I create one just for session ? Is there any other mechanism to store passwords within a session ? (safe way obviously )

Earlier rails had :

  • MemoryStore
  • FileStore

But now both seems to be removed. So any other solution ?

Notes from answers :

  1. Storing encrypted passwords won't work since I need the raw password to be sent to server while making api calls.
  2. I have no control over the API , so I cannot change its authentication.
  3. There is no user profile maintenance on rails app. Everything managed by API calls.

I finally thought to implement custom memory store but it seems to throw stackoverflow error. I got the code from https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/1876-uninitialized-constant-actioncontrollersessionmemorystore

require 'action_dispatch'
module ActionDispatch
module Session
class CustomMemoryStore < ActionDispatch::Session::AbstractStore
  GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE = {} #:nodoc:

    def get_session(env, sid)
      sid ||= generate_sid
      session = GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[sid] || {}
      session = AbstractStore::SessionHash.new(self, env).merge(session)
      [sid, session]

    def set_session(env, sid, session_data)
      GLOBAL_HASH_TABLE[sid] = session_data
      return true
Steptools3::Application.config.session_store :custom_memory_store, :key => '_some_xyz'
like image 731
Gaurav Shah Avatar asked Nov 17 '11 09:11

Gaurav Shah

People also ask

Can we store password in session?

Yes. You can choose to store your derived key in the session knowing it might be compromised if the server is compromised, but at least the users's password is still safe. That way your security failure doesn't become a much bigger problem for users who use the same password elsewhere.

Are Rails sessions encrypted?

Rails uses encryption to securely prevent tampering with the session contents, however, users cannot revoke sessions because the contents are stored on the browser.

How sessions work in Rails?

Rails will create a new record in your sessions table with a random session ID (say, 09497d46978bf6f32265fefb5cc52264 ). It'll store {current_user_id: 1} (Base64-encoded) in the data attribute of that record. And it'll return the generated session ID, 09497d46978bf6f32265fefb5cc52264 , to the browser using Set-Cookie .

1 Answers

You could try using Redis as a session store. We use rails3-redis-session-store gem. The source can be found here.

It is very easy to setup, and sessions expire automatically, which makes it safe. Example config:

YourApp::Application.config.session_store :redis_session_store,
                                          :db => 0,
                                          :expire_after => 10.minutes,
                                          :key_prefix => "your_app:session:"

An alternative would be to use dalli, and thus use memcached as the backend.

Hope this helps.

like image 170
nathanvda Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
