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Rails sorting associations with Ransack

first time poster. I am trying to sort a table of users using the Ransack gem and Kaminari for pagination. When I use name, id, etc. sorting works but when I try an association with posts_count, sorting breaks and won't work. Note: in the view, 'u.posts.count' work correctly. I have tried custom scopes in the users model, and creating custom objects for the search params but nothing seems to work. I think I am having trouble either in the default scope or the @search object not having the data. Need help!

Here are some relevant snippets:


  has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy 


  belongs_to :user 

  default_scope :order => 'post.created_at DESC'


  def index
    @title = "User Index"
    @search = User.search(params[:q]) # Ransack
    @total_users = User.all.count
    # .per(10) is the per page for pagination (Kaminari).
    @users = @search.result.order("updated_at DESC").page(params[:page]).per(10) #This displays the users that are in the search criteria, paginated.


  <%= sort_link @search, :posts_count, "No. of Posts" %> #Sort links at column headers
  <% @users.each do |u| %> #Display everything in the table
    <%= u.posts.count %>
  <% end %>
like image 511
Sean Thomas Avatar asked Aug 22 '12 02:08

Sean Thomas

1 Answers

You can add a scope to your User model:

def self.with_posts
  joins(:posts).group('posts.id').select('users.*, count(posts.id) as posts_count')

and use it like this:

@search = User.with_posts.search(params[:q]) # Ransack

then, you can treat posts_count like any other attribute.

like image 100
Mauricio Pasquier Juan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

Mauricio Pasquier Juan