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Rails server is running, but cannot connect to localhost:3000

I am learning Ruby on Rails with railstutorial.org I had set everything up and working fine from Chapter 1. However, all of a sudden my next app has an issue.

I run "rails server"

=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 3.2.9 application starting in development on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
[2012-11-15 00:45:08] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2012-11-15 00:45:08] INFO  ruby 1.9.3 (2012-11-10) [x86_64-linux]
[2012-11-15 00:45:08] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=2752 port=3000

Seems to be working fine, just like with my previous app.

However, I try connecting to localhost:3000 , , on various browsers and they all cannot establish a connection to the server.

Some things to note:

-I was able to connect to localhost just a while ago--it just seems like it suddenly stopped working out of the blue.

-My first app was working perfectly fine, but now it doesn't work for my first app either.

-I don't have firewalls blocking the port, and my hosts file is not the problem.

-I am on Ubuntu 12.10

I almost always find solutions via search, but not this time.. so I need some help please. It's very frustrating as I feel like it's a simple problem that I spent way too long being stuck on.

Thank you.

like image 607
Alexander Sung Avatar asked Nov 15 '12 09:11

Alexander Sung

3 Answers

Try running it in some other port like say 3001 as:
rails server -p 3001
If its working than than try it again on 3000 as the command above.
I thing some other software is using your 3000 port that's why its not responding.
Or for some advanced things see here

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Sivan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10


with rails 4.2.0, the server binds to localhost by default, instead of When working with a rails in a virtual box, accessing the server from the host computer, the binding address needs to be

Start rails server with -b0.0.0.0 to make the rails server accessible from the host computer/browser.

http://guides.rubyonrails.org/4_2_release_notes.html#default-host-for-rails-server https://github.com/samuelkadolph/unicorn-rails/issues/12#issuecomment-60875268

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andrewleung Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10


Make sure you run rake db:create before launching rails s.

like image 42
Seyon Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
