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Rails plugin for generating dynamic / ajax crud interfaces compatible with Rails 3 beta?

Anyone know of some good gems or plugins to create dynamic / ajax crud interfaces for Rails 3 projects? I know active scaffold was popular before and it's been awhile since I have used it / any other gems similar to this (I usually just write it myself).

I like the direction that the formtastic gem (http://github.com/justinfrench/formtastic) is headed and wonder what else people are combining with it.

Also I like the generators approach that Ryan Bates uses and he appears to be making updates for Rails 3.

Anything else I am missing here? (I am also open to gems not compatible with Rails 3 too I guess, I can always make a contribution and try to help them get to the next phase. ;))

like image 772
mrh Avatar asked May 19 '10 19:05


1 Answers

There is a fork of active scaffold compatible with rails3:
More info:

I'll take on the occasion to mention some of my personal toughts on AS vis-a-vis of Rail3:

  • AS needs to decouple on AR and work with ActiveModel instead
  • it needs to offer some sort of plug-able column introspection API, so it can work with other ORMs like Mongoid
  • the AS configuration needs to be per request (instance level) not global (thread safety, simpler to hack), or global with stateless per-request overrides (hope it makes sense), the first approach is a lot better

maybe write a thingy from scratch ...

PS. AS is one of the best pieces of software i have used, many people do not get to understand it's power because of the pretty steep learning curve.

like image 95
clyfe Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10
