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Rails, PgBouncer and DigitalOcean — how to work with Databases Connection Pools?

Recently in DigitalOcean has the opportunity to create Databases. This is something like a turnkey solution based on the usual Droplet with a bunch of additional database features.

One of these additional features — Connection Pools. As far as I understand this is a PgBouncer.

If I connect the database to the Rails 5.2 application in the usual way (directly), then everything is fine.

But if I use the connection through the "Connection Pools", I will get an error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::DuplicatePstatement: ERROR: prepared statement "a1" already exists

This will occur when any data is received from the database.

Tell me, please, how to make it all work?

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Colibri Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 02:12


1 Answers

Set prepared_statements and advisory_locks to false in the database configurations.

More info here.

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Husam Bilal Avatar answered Apr 08 '23 11:04

Husam Bilal