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Rails: Omniauth: Github provider doesn't quite work

I recently forked https://github.com/fortuity/rails3-mongoid-omniauth and tried to get login working for different providers. It works for Twitter and Facebook (You can try it out at http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/), but I couldn't get it working for Github. The code snapshot is here at github.

My environment looks like this:

$ heroku info
=== jgodse-omniauth-mongoid
Web URL:        http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/
Git Repo:       git@heroku.com:jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.git
Dynos:          1
Workers:        0
Repo size:      7M
Slug size:      5M
Stack:          bamboo-mri-1.9.2
Data size:      (empty)
Addons:         Basic Logging, MongoHQ MongoHQ Free, Shared Database 5MB
Owner:          xxxxx@yyy.com

Jay@JAY-PC ~/rapps/rails3-mongoid-omniauth (master)
$ heroku config --long
BUNDLE_WITHOUT      => development:test
DATABASE_URL        => postgres://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/rrretnhwhj
FACEBOOK_APP_ID     => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID    => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
GITHUB_SECRET       => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
LANG                => en_US.UTF-8
MONGOHQ_URL         => mongodb://heroku:9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mongohq.com:27098/app527030
RACK_ENV            => production
SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/rrretnhwhj
TWITTER_KEY         => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
TWITTER_SECRET      => xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My github information for "OAuth Application: Jay's Rails3 Mongoid OAuth" is as follows (from my app profile page):

Authorization Token:   https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
Access Token URL:      https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
URL:     http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/
Callback URL:   http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/
Client ID: xxxxxxx
Secret:    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The client and secret are set as environment variables in omniauth.rb

The authentication happens, but it redirects to http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/?error=redirect_uri_mismatch and I haven't apparently logged in. If I change the Callback URL to http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com/callback, the application crashes.

What am I missing to get github authentication to work?

like image 484
Jay Godse Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 20:12

Jay Godse

1 Answers

I don't fu%^&*g believe this.

I went to github.com where the application secret, key, url, callback is configured and removed the trailing slash from the "Callback URL" and "URL", and it worked.

URL: http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com
Callback URL:  http://jgodse-omniauth-mongoid.heroku.com

This is nuts! Twitter wants the trailing slash on the callback but Github does not. Github and twitter should allow both and then trim it automatically if needed.

like image 194
Jay Godse Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 16:01

Jay Godse