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Rails + MongoID - Querying by attribute

I have a model like this:

class Lesson
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :title, :type => String
  field :category, :type => String
  field :price, :type => Float
  field :description, :type => String
  field :user_id, :type => String

  validates_presence_of :title
  validates_presence_of :category
  validates_presence_of :price
  validates_presence_of :user_id

  attr_accessible :title, :category, :description, :price


And I am trying to query like this:

@lessons_by_user = Lesson.find_by_user_id current_user.id

And I am getting:

undefined method `find_by_user_id' for Lesson:Class

How can I query by a specific attribute in MongoID?

I know how to do it like this:

@lessons = Lesson.all(:conditions=>{:user_id=>current_user.id.to_s}) 

but I am wondering if there is a shortcut...

like image 701
Hommer Smith Avatar asked Mar 17 '12 04:03

Hommer Smith

1 Answers

Mongoid doesn't have the ActiveRecord style auto-created finder methods, it only supports a limited set of predefined finder methods:

  • Model.all
  • Model.count
  • Model.exists?
  • Model.find
  • Model.find_or_create_by
  • Model.find_or_initialize_by
  • Model.first
  • Model.last

However, it does have a general purpose where method so you say this:

@lessons = Lesson.where(:user_id => current_user.id)

where is chainable as well (just like where in newer versions of ActiveRecord) so you can add more conditions or specify the ordering by chaining more criteria calls.

like image 99
mu is too short Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09

mu is too short