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rails: mass-assignment security concern with belongs_to relationships

I've been reading up on rails security concerns and the one that makes me the most concerned is mass assignment. My application is making use of attr_accessible, however I'm not sure if I quite know what the best way to handle the exposed relationships is. Let's assume that we have a basic content creation/ownership website. A user can have create blog posts, and have one category associated with that blog post.

So I have three models:

  • user
  • post: belongs to a user and a category
  • category: belongs to user

I allow mass-assignment on the category_id, so the user could nil it out, change it to one of their categories, or through mass-assignment, I suppose they could change it to someone else's category. That is where I'm kind of unsure about what the best way to proceed would be.

The resources I have investigated (particularly railscast #178 and a resource that was provided from that railscast), both mention that the association should not be mass-assignable, which makes sense. I'm just not sure how else to allow the user to change what the category of the post would be in a railsy way.

Any ideas on how best to solve this? Am I looking at it the wrong way?

UPDATE: Hopefully clarifying my concern a bit more.

Let's say I'm in Post, do I need something like the following:

def create
  @post = Post.new(params[:category])

  @post.user_id = current_user.id


  # continue on as normal here

That seems like a lot of work? I would need to check that on every controller in both the update and create action. Keep in mind that there is more than just one belongs_to relationship.

like image 707
dpb Avatar asked Jan 29 '10 00:01


1 Answers

Your user can change it through an edit form of some kind, i presume.

Based on that, Mass Assignment is really for nefarious types who seek to mess with your app through things like curl. I call them curl kiddies.

All that to say, if you use attr_protected - (here you put the fields you Do Not want them to change) or the kid's favourite attr_accessible(the fields that are OK to change).

You'll hear arguments for both, but if you use attr_protected :user_id in your model, and then in your CategoryController#create action you can do something like

def create
  @category = Category.new(params[:category])

  @category.user_id = current_user.id
  respond_to do |format|
....#continue on as normal here
like image 97
pjammer Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11
