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rails: how do i access a method in my application controller?

Noob scoping issue, I imagine. :\

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  @locations = get_locations

  def get_locations
    Location.where(:active => true).order('name').all



undefined local variable or method `get_locations' for ApplicationController:Class

Two questions: 1) What's with the error? Am I calling the method incorrectly? 2) How do I access this method from a sub-classed controller?

like image 320
jmccartie Avatar asked Dec 07 '10 20:12


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2 Answers

You're calling get_locations within the class scope, but the method is an instance method, not a class method. If for example you used def self.get_locations then you would be providing a class method, one of which you can use within the class scope (after you have defined it, not before like you're doing).

The problem here is the logic, what is this method for? What do you intend to use @locations for? If it's to go inside your application view, then you should put this method into the ApplicationHelper module, and call it from inside the relevant action. If you'd like it in another view on another controller and you'd like to use @locations inside your locations method, perhaps your setup might look something like this:


class PagesController < ActionController::Base
  def locations
    @locations = Location.where(:active => true).order('name').all


<% @locations.each do |location| %>
  <%= # do something with 'location' %>
<% end %>

If you'd like to use this inside of your application.html.erb you can simplify it quite some..


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  def locations
    Location.where(:active => true).order('name').all


<% locations.each do |location| %>
  <%= # do something with location %>
<% end %>

The answer boils down to logic, and to really figure out exactly what you're looking for, more details would probably be required.

like image 162
Lee Jarvis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Lee Jarvis

You're calling it from the class scope, not from an instance scope. more likely what you want is the following:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :setup_locations

  def setup_locations
    @locations = Location.where(:active => true).order('name').all


To make your original example work, you'd need to make #get_locations defined on self (which points to the class at definition), like so:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  @locations = get_locations

  def self.get_locations
    Location.where(:active => true).order('name').all


The problem with that code is that @locations will only be available from the class level as a class instance variable, which is comparable to a static variable in most other languages, and which probably isn't what you want.

like image 32
Keith Gaddis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Keith Gaddis