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Rails hashes with unknown keys and strong parameters

I have a rails application that stores a serialized hash in a field called properties.

The hashes keys are unknown though, so I don't know of a way to allow this with strong parameters.

When googling, I found this: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/9454, but I couldn't figure out exactly what a solution would be.

So basically, my question is: How can you configure strong parameters to allow hashes with unknown keys?

Thanks for all help!

like image 913
the_ Avatar asked Oct 04 '13 03:10


3 Answers

I recently had this same issue and I solved it using @fxn's method from https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/9454

For product with properties as hash, solved it as

def product_params
  params.require(:product).permit(:title, :description).tap do |whitelisted|
    whitelisted[:properties] = params[:product][:properties]

If you use :raise instead of :log for config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters in your environment then remember to remove properties from params before calling permit. Then the method will be

def product_params
  properties = params[:product].delete(:properties)
  params.require(:product).permit(:title, :description).tap do |whitelisted|
    whitelisted[:properties] = properties
like image 135
teknuk Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11


None of these answers worked for me (using Rails 4.2.4), so I figured out the following workaround:

def product_params properties_keys = params[:product][:properties].keys params.require(:product).permit(:title, :description, properties: properties_keys) end

Hope that helps someone.

like image 34
Chris W Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Chris W

You can use a hash instead of a symbol and define what sub-properties are allowed. This can be seen in the source here:

case filter
when Symbol, String
  permitted_scalar_filter(params, filter)
when Hash
  hash_filter(params, filter)



def user_params
  params.require(:person).permit(:name, :description, :age, properties: [:key, :value])

If you have no idea what is going to be in properties you could use .slice. Note this will accept anything nested in any of the other fields too.


def user_params
  params.require(:person).slice(:name, :description, :age, :properties) 

These approaches will work on the following params:

  "person": {
    "name": "John",
    "description": "has custom_attributes",
    "age": 42,
    "properties": [
        "key": "the key",
        "value": "the value"

I've confirmed these will work on Rails 4.2.6

like image 37
cianmce Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
