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Rails greater_than model validation against model attribute

I've got a Trip model, which among other attributes has a start_odometer and end_odometer value. In my model, i'd like to validate that the end odometer is larger than the starting odometer. The end odometer can also be blank because the trip may not have finished yet.

However, I can't figure out how to compare one attribute to another.

In trip.rb:

comparing against the symbol:

validates_numericality_of :end_odometer, :greater_than => :start_odometer, :allow_blank => true

gives me the error:

ArgumentError in TripsController#index

:greater_than must be a number

comparing against the variable:

validates_numericality_of :end_odometer, :greater_than => start_odometer, :allow_blank => true

NameError in TripsController#index

undefined local variable or method `start_odometer' for #

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Ryan Avatar asked Dec 31 '09 00:12


2 Answers

You'll probably need to write a custom validation method in your model for this...

validate :odometer_value_order

def odometer_value_order
  if self.end_odometer && (self.start_odometer > self.end_odometer)
    self.errors.add_to_base("End odometer value must be greater than start odometer value.")
like image 44
jmcnevin Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10


You don't necessarily need a custom validation method for this case. In fact, it's a bit overkill when you can do it with one line. jn80842's suggestion is close, but you must wrap it in a Proc or Lambda for it to work.

validates_numericality_of :end_odometer, :greater_than => Proc.new { |r| r.start_odometer }, :allow_blank => true
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holden Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10
