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"rails generate model" hangs

I'm new to ROR.

How can I use the same App name after I delete my rails App?

Following are the actions I performed. Step #6 is my problem.

1 - Environment

 - OS : Ubuntu 12.04.4
 - ruby : 2.1.1p76
 - rails : 4.1.2
 - DB : SQLite

2 - Create rails App :

rails new myApp
=> OK

3 - Create model :

 rails generate model mytable name:string
=> OK.

4 - Delete rails App :

 rm -rf myApp
=> OK

5 - Re-Create rails App :

 rails new myApp
 => OK

6 - Re-Create model :

 rails generate model mytable name:string
=> Not OK! waiting for infinite time
like image 292
user1790039 Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 01:07


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2 Answers

Just a hunch, but by any chance, are you still running a server process somewhere on your machine? That could be holding a lock that is preventing the new table from getting built.

like image 135
fearless_fool Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10


Don't kill spring, just use the built in spring stop

like image 43
Jordan Michael Rushing Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 20:10

Jordan Michael Rushing