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Rails development mode renders views extremely slow

With nothing happening in the controller besides render 'mypage', and nothing happening in the view besides HTML (I've commented out all the Ruby code in both places), it still takes over 5 seconds to load the page:

Completed 200 OK in 6258ms (Views: 5283.2ms | ActiveRecord: 14.6ms)

Any suggestions on how I can either improve this or profile it? Every 'solution' I've come across has no effect for me. Rails-dev-tweaks doesn't make an impact, changing the assets debug flag has no effect; I actually believe this all happens before assets are requested.

Update 07 May 1450

Hi all - thanks for the replies. Let me start off by saying I have narrowed this down to assets; removing about a half dozen gems and all assets has brought the page load time down to 1.3s for the first load, and reloading is ~150ms. Fantastic. So my problem now becomes how to properly configure a gem like rails-dev-tweaks to get it going; I can't seem to find the right config that will. We have probably a hundred or so assets - maybe a little more.

To answer your questions: I unfortunately can't copy and paste the view; however, suffice to say it is about 100 lines of HTML, 10 lines of javascript, and maybe 30 of the HTML lines have some Ruby code in it, but I commented out all the Ruby.

I tried ruby-prof - didn't give me anything really useful

No external HTTP requests are being made

There is a before_filter in the ApplicationController, but even commenting that out didn't make a huge difference.

I'm developing on Mac OS X 10.8

I'm using Rails 3.2.13

With no assets at all: The first page load:

Completed 200 OK in 3418ms (Views: 1414.9ms | ActiveRecord: 74.6ms)

Refreshing the page:

Completed 200 OK in 140ms (Views: 120.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms)

Interestingly, rails -v takes 4 seconds to load:

ruby-1.9.3-p327@aidin ± time rails -v
    Rails 3.2.13
    rails -v  4.10s user 0.24s system 92% cpu 4.679 total

Update 2 07 May 1450

New Relic tells me there's an inordinate amount of time taken in what I believe is a Rails dependency (actually an ActionPack dependency), Journey itself:

                  Metric    Timestamp (s)   Duration (ms)   Exclusive (ms)
DashboardController#show    0.001           2,652           1917

The detail page shows me this file:


And this line:

        status, headers, body = route.app.call(env)

Update 3 07 May @ 1509

Further investigation reveals that in addition to removing all assets, removing all gems decreases the response time to an acceptable ~150ms. Putting the gems back in moves it to 800ms to 1500ms; clearly there's something going on in those alone that's causing problems.

If anyone thinks they can pick out which gems are causing problems I'm happy to post the Gemfile

like image 853
eragone Avatar asked May 07 '13 14:05


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1 Answers

Try accessing your application with local ip address

in my case I gained 2 ~ 3 seconds in charging time

like image 90
Paulo Henrique Sacramento Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09

Paulo Henrique Sacramento