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Rails – Custom Resource Routes

I'm trying to customize my show route... I don't want users to be able to view items by :id...

I have a sales model, and the show route is:

sale GET    /sales/:id(.:format)     sales#show

But, I don't want users to be able to view sales by id, instead, I'd like it to be:

sale GET    /sales/:guid(.:format)     sales#show

The guid is a uuid I generate when the object is created:

def populate_guid
    self.guid = SecureRandom.uuid()
like image 895
cmw Avatar asked Nov 02 '13 21:11


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Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a given resourceful controller. A single call to resources can declare all of the necessary routes for your index , show , new , edit , create , update , and destroy actions.

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Difference between singular resource and resources in Rails routes. So far, we have been using resources to declare a resource. Rails also lets us declare a singular version of it using resource. Rails recommends us to use singular resource when we do not have an identifier.

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2 Answers

In config/routes.rb

get '/sales/:guid', to: 'sales#show'

or if you use rails 4 you may:

resources :sales, param: :guid

In controller

def show
  @sale = Sale.find(params[:guid])
like image 158
mike90 Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 10:10


You can define a custom route in your routes.rb:

get "/sales/:guid", :to => "sales#show"

And then in your controller, for the show action, you find the sale you want from the guid that was passed in the url:

def show
  @sale = Sale.find_by_guid(params[:guid])
like image 31
jvperrin Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 08:10
