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rails controller for mixed nested and non-nested resources

I'm working on a blog like application, my user module has_many posts and the posts module belongs_to user

I want to access both users/:id/posts and posts/

routes.rb is something like this:

resources :users do
  resources :posts


how can i know within the posts controller if its accessed directly (/posts) or through the nested route (/users/:id/posts) ?

for example, what should be the index method of the posts controller for doing the correct INDEX action for /users/:id/posts and for /posts

is there a better way for doing this ?

like image 770
Gal Ben-Haim Avatar asked Jan 15 '12 14:01

Gal Ben-Haim

2 Answers

One solution could be to use a before filter on your controller, like:

before_filter :load_user

def load_user
  @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) if params[:user_id]
  @posts = @user ? @user.posts : Post.scoped

Then you have to rewrite your controller a bit to function properly.

No refactoring needed on index action, @posts already loaded correctly, but you can do further filtering as you like

def index
  @posts = @posts.where('updated_at < ?' Time.now)

Then update every member action: new, create, show, edit, update, destroy and use posts as a base like:

def new
  @post = @posts.build

def create
  @post = @posts.build(params[:task])

def show
  @post = @posts.find(params[:id])

def edit
  @post = @posts.find(params[:id])

def update
  @post = @posts.find(params[:id])

def destroy
  @post = @posts.find(params[:id])

Of course you can add other before filters to remove duplicate code.

like image 189
dombesz Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10


Check the params.

If just post you'll just have :id

If user/post you'll have user and ID for post.

So check if params[:user]...

n.b. If not user, try params[:user_id]

As for the index method for posts I think it will actually be the SAME in both cases. What will change things is its usage, association and scoping within user.

like image 31
Michael Durrant Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Michael Durrant