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Rails "assign_attributes" not assigning nested models

I have two models with the following structure:

class Wallet < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  has_one :credit_card
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_card

  validates :credit_card, :presence => true
  validates_associated :credit_card

class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  belongs_to :wallet

  validates :card_number, :presence => true
  validates :expiration_date, :presence => true

I am testing the functionality of my application with RSpec, and I noticed something weird. If I create a Hash with attributes that don't meet the validation criteria of my nested model (such as having a nil card_number), and then try to do an update_attributes call, then what I get returned in a Wallet object with an invalid CreditCard nested model, and the appropriate errors. That is the correct, expected behavior.

If I take that same Hash though and run assign_attributes, and then save (which is all that update_attributes should be doing, then I get returned an invalid Wallet object with a completely nil nested object. Why is that? And how can I update all of the nested attribute values and check for errors without saving?

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Bryce Avatar asked Apr 13 '13 02:04


2 Answers

First of all - you don't need to include ActiveModel::Validations because they come with ActiveRecord::Base.

Second - yes update_attributes uses assign_attributes internally so basically it should work as expected.

If you don't have any attr_accessible, attr_protected, with/without_protection option and I assume you are creating proper hash with

{'credit_card_attributes' => {'card_number' => ''}}

then it looks like some kind of bug within rails. But at the same time I just checked it, and it seems that it works fine.

Above that if you want just to check validations without saving the object in tests, then just run


It should return proper wallet object with nested credit_card and errors on it.

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Leszek Zalewski Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11

Leszek Zalewski

It sounds to me like Strong Params (Rails 4 feature) might be stripping out the nested attributes and since your validation fails without them you get redirected back to the edit page with errors and your credit card nested_attributes is now nil.

Perhaps this will help. https://stackoverflow.com/a/17532811/793330

Also save and update_attributes are not the same thing. Save will save the entire object whereas update will only change the items you pass to it that have changed. A slight difference but a difference none-the-less.

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engineerDave Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 18:11
