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Rails after_create callback can't access model's attributes

I can't access my model's attributes in the after_create callback... seems like I should be able to right?


@dog = Dog.new(:color => 'brown', :gender => 'male')
@dog.user_id = current_user.id


class Dog < ActiveRecord::Base
  def after_create
    logger.debug "[DOG CREATED] color:#{color} gender:#{gender} user:#{user_id}"

console: (all seems well)

=>#<Dog id: 1, color: "brown", gender: "male", user_id: 1>

log: (wtf!?)

[DOG CREATED] color: gender:male user

Some of my attributes show up and others don't! oh no! Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I've always been able to user after_create in such ways in the past.

Note: The actual variable names and values I used were different, but the methods and code are the same.

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tybro0103 Avatar asked Oct 14 '22 07:10


1 Answers

Figured out my own problem.

One of the attributes was a virtual one, in which I used self.update_attribute...oops!

def price=(amt)
  self.update_attribute(:price_in_cents, (amt*100.0).to_i)

So for the record, update_attribute will actually create database record (and trigger after_create) if it hasn't been created yet.

Next time I'll be sure to post full code!

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tybro0103 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 15:10
