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Rails ActiveRecord Find / Search by Date

I am trying to find records by 'created_at' date - the database column type is 'datetime' and I am using the UI DatePicker from jQuery

my url look like this: "localhost:3000/users_supported?selected_date=2012-10-31"

So far i am doing good :) and my query in controller looks like this:

@support_histories = current_agent.support_histories.where(:created_at => Date.parse(params[:selected_date]))

How to properly extract records by 'date' only from the 'datetime' db column

I tried doing this in Rails Console, but no luck there:

sh = SupportHistory.where(:created_at => DateTime.parse('2012-10-31'))
sh = SupportHistory.where(:created_at => Date.parse('2012-10-31'))
sh = SupportHistory.where(:created_at => DateTime.strptime('2012-10-31', '%Y-%m-%d'))

I got records if i do like mentioned below, but that's not useful to me as i am trying to find record by 'date' not by 'DateTime'

sh = SupportHistory.where(:created_at => '2012-10-31 19:49:57')
like image 643
Syed Avatar asked Nov 03 '12 17:11


2 Answers

selected_date = Date.parse(params[:selected_date])
# This will look for records on the given date between 00:00:00 and 23:59:59
sh = SupportHistory.where(
       :created_at => selected_date.beginning_of_day..selected_date.end_of_day)

Time Zones may be a concern you need to look into, but this should work if all your times are in the same time zone.

like image 50
Jason Noble Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 05:12

Jason Noble

A simple solution I use sometimes is to cast the date(time) field as text on the database rather than parse the string into date on application side. For your case that would be:

where('CAST(created_at AS text) LIKE ?', params[:selected_date])

Might not be the most effective on the database (depending on the context you use it in) but saves a lot of pita on the application side.

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silverdr Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 05:12
