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Rails 5.2 with master.key - Heroku deployment

Rails 5.2 introduces the encrypted secrets feature through the usage of the awesome credentials.yml. But I'm struggling to get it to work with Heroku.

Is there any Strategy available right now to deploy a Rails 5.2 App to Heroku?

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Peter Piper Avatar asked Apr 04 '18 23:04

Peter Piper

People also ask

Where is rails master key?

The master key enc is added to the config directory. This file will be decrypted in a production environment using a key stored either on a RAILS_MASTER_KEY environment variable or a master. key file I mentioned before. In development, your app will reference config/master.

1 Answers

You should set the environment variable RAILS_MASTER_KEY, either on your heroku web dashboard, or using console:

$ heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=<your-master-key> 


$ heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=123456789 

(The < and > are placeholders)

Rails will detect this variable and use it as your master key (instead of looking for it in master.key file).

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Gerry Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
