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Rails 4 Strong Params with multiple objects and integer keys

I'm submitting a form with 2-4 objects at once, depending on how many the parent has. I realize that this is probably unconventional, but I really wanted the user to be able to edit all of the objects at once on one form. On my form, I'm doing:

<%= simple_fields_for "derps[]", derp do |f| %>

<% end %>

Then I'm doing this in the controller:

def update
  @derps = []
  @rejects = []
  derps_params.each do |key, hash|
    derp = Derp.find(key)
    @rejects << derp unless derp.save
  if @rejects.empty?
    redirect_to @parent, flash: {success: 'Derps were successfully updated.'}
    @derps = @rejects
    render :edit

Lets say there are two objects - the params are coming through as:

"derps"=>{"1"=>{"attribute"=>"39", "another_attribute"=>"serp", "a_third_attribute"=>"yerp"}, "2"=>{"attribute"=>"30", "another_attribute"=>"49", }}

I had this working in Rails 3 without strong params. I'm upgrading to rails 4 and I'm struggling with how to get this working - I keep getting "Unpermitted parameters: 1, 2"

I'm assuming I need to do something like:

def mashes_params
  id: []


def mashes_params

Something along those lines, but I've tried it every way I can think of without luck.

Any ideas here?

like image 225
Greg Blass Avatar asked Aug 11 '15 14:08

Greg Blass

2 Answers

I've found that the command line is immensely helpful for debugging Strong Parameters in Rails 4. Here's how I tested your problem in the console:

rails c # From within your project directory, short for 'rails console'

params = ActionController::Parameters.new( { derps: { 1 => { attribute: 39, another_attribute: "serp" }, 2 => { attribute: 30, another_attribute: 49 }  } } )

params # To make sure that the object looks the same

permitted = params.require( :derps ).permit( 1 => [ :attribute, :another_attribute ], 2 => [ :attribute, :another_attribute ] )

permitted # To see what you'd get back in your controller

Hopefully with this tool, you'll be able to debug anything that my answer didn't provide more easily than trial and error.

like image 146
s_dolan Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 18:11


Final Edit (hopefully):

Had to rethink this from the ground up. I came to the conclusion: Since :id works as a wildcard, but is not allowed as the key of the hash, why not always make the keys 1-4, so I can whitelist them explicitly, then get the ID from a key-value in the hash, much like is done in traditional form nesting? Thats how I ended up solving it. Here's the final implementation that I have working:

<% i = @parent.derps.index(derp) + 1 %>
<%= simple_fields_for "derps[#{i}]", derp do |f| %>
  <%= f.hidden_field :id, value: derp.id %>
  <%= render "rest_of_the_fields" %>
<% end %>

Then in the controller:

def update
  @derps = []
  @rejects = []
  derp_params.each do |key, hash|
    derp = Derp.find(hash.delete("id"))
    @rejects << derp unless derp.save
  if @rejects.empty?
    redirect_to @parent, flash: {success: "Derps updated successfully."} 
    @derps = @rejects
    render :edit

Then here are the strong params:

def derp_params
  p = [:id, :attribute_1, :another_attribute, ...]
    "1" => p, "2" => p, "3" => p, "4" => p

Phew. Hope this helps someone.

like image 24
Greg Blass Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11

Greg Blass