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rails 4 + mina deployment failure

i am deploying a rails 4 application using mina deployment. my deployment script is as

require 'mina/bundler'
require 'mina/rails'
require 'mina/git'
require 'mina/rvm'    # for rvm support. (http://rvm.io)

set :domain, 'someplace.com'
set :deploy_to, '/home/deploy/projects/website'
set :repository, 'git@github.com:someone/repo.git'
set :branch, 'master'

set :identity_file, "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/id_rsa"
set :user, 'deploy'    # Username in the server to SSH to.

set :shared_paths, ['config/database.yml', 'config/credentials.yml', 'log', 'tmp']

task :environment do
  invoke :'rvm:use[ruby-2.1.0@default]'

task :setup => :environment do
  queue! %[mkdir -p "#{deploy_to}/shared/log"]
  queue! %[chmod g+rx,u+rwx "#{deploy_to}/shared/log"]

  queue! %[mkdir -p "#{deploy_to}/shared/config"]
  queue! %[chmod g+rx,u+rwx "#{deploy_to}/shared/config"]

  queue! %[touch "#{deploy_to}/shared/config/database.yml"]
  queue  %[echo "-----> Be sure to edit 'shared/config/database.yml'."]

  queue! %[touch "#{deploy_to}/shared/config/credentials.yml"]
  queue  %[echo "-----> Be sure to edit 'shared/config/credentials.yml'."]

desc "Deploys the current version to the server."
task :deploy => :environment do
  deploy do
    invoke :'git:clone'
    invoke :'deploy:link_shared_paths'
    invoke :'bundle:install'
    invoke :'rails:assets_precompile'

    to :launch do
      queue "touch #{deploy_to}/tmp/restart.txt"

when i deploy as 'mina deploy', i get error as


Symlinking shared paths
$ mkdir -p "./config"
$ mkdir -p "."
$ rm -rf "./config/database.yml"
$ ln -s "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/config/database.yml" "./config/database.yml"
$ rm -rf "./config/credentials.yml"
$ ln -s "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/config/credentials.yml" "./config/credentials.yml"
$ rm -rf "./log"
$ ln -s "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/log" "./log"
$ rm -rf "./tmp"
$ ln -s "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/tmp" "./tmp"

-----> Installing gem dependencies using Bundler
$ mkdir -p "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/bundle"
$ mkdir -p "./vendor"
$ ln -s "/home/deploy/projects/website/shared/bundle" "./vendor/bundle"
$ bundle install --without development:test --path "./vendor/bundle" --binstubs bin/ --deployment


Your bundle is complete!
Gems in the groups development and test were not installed.
It was installed into ./vendor/bundle

-----> Precompiling asset files
$ RAILS_ENV="production" bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_GROUPS=assets
rake aborted!
File exists @ dir_s_mkdir - /home/deploy/projects/website/tmp/build-138935597031149/tmp
/home/deploy/projects/website/tmp/build-138935597031149/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sprockets-2.10.1/lib/sprockets/cache/file_store.rb:25:in `[]='
/home/deploy/projects/website/tmp/build-138935597031149/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/gems/sprockets-2.10.1/lib/sprockets/caching.rb:34:in `cache_set'
like image 977
prasad.surase Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 01:03


2 Answers

Make sure that shared/tmp directory is created if not ssh into the server and

$ mkdir /home/deploy/projects/website/shared/tmp

make sure you have the right permissions too. drwxr-xr-x

like image 151
Garrett Boone Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 08:04

Garrett Boone

If you are symlinking your tmp directory ensure that it exists. If it doesn't the broken symlink will cause the same issue.

like image 42
HannesBenson Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 07:04
