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Rails 4 checkboxes of strings never return an empty array

I have an array of strings that is the result of a multiple-choice checkbox, when there is no choice in the checkbox the array doesn't change and the result is the last array saved! I'd like to show something like " " when the checkbox has no value selected.

     <%= f.label :disposizione_campionamento,"Disposizione" %>
     Random <%= f.check_box :disposizione_campionamento, { :multiple => true },                   
                                                                    "Random", nil %>
     Sistematica <%= f.check_box :disposizione_campionamento,{ :multiple => true },  
                                                               "Sistematica", nil %>
     Stratificata <%= f.check_box :disposizione_campionamento,{ :multiple => true },  
                                                          "Stratificata",nil %><br/>

and in the model

     serialize :disposizione_campionamento, Array

If i check Random,Sistematica and Stratificata the result is "Random,Sistematica,Stratificata" as I want but if I modify the array unchecking all the three values the result is ever "Random,Sistematica,Stratificata"

when I submit the form I have this in the controller:

          def create
             modulo2 = Modulo2.find(params[:modulo2_id])
             @variabili = modulo2.variabilis.create(params[:id])
               respond_to do |format|
                 if @variabili.save
                 format.html { redirect_to(modulo2_variabilis_path, :notice =>  
                                                              'Modifica effettuata') }
           format.xml  { render :xml => @variabili, :status => :created, :location => 
                                                     [@variabili.modulo2, @variabili] }
                 format.html { render :action => "new" }
                 format.xml  { render :xml => @variabili.errors, :status =>                 
                                                            :unprocessable_entity }

disposizione_campionamento is an attribute of "variabili" that is a nested attribute of "modulo2"

like image 971
tettoroberto Avatar asked May 28 '14 13:05


1 Answers

When you don't check any checkboxes and submit the form, the content of params is lacking a value saying "none was checked". It just avoid submitting nil values for the inputs.

A simple way to solve this, is to set the value of the relevant params if not set before:

Rails 4:

# your_model controller
def your_model_params # redefining the Strong Params
  params[:your_model][:disposizione_campionamento] ||= []

Rails 3:

# your_model controller
before_filter :set_disposizione_campionamento, only: [:update, :create]

def set_disposizione_campionamento
  params[:your_model][:disposizione_campionamento] ||= []
like image 199
MrYoshiji Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
