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rails 4 ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError [duplicate]

I would suggest skipping to update so your code works

Your problem is probably not in your controller, but your model: Check to see your attributes are accessible with the follow tag

attr_accessible :title, :price, :description

Rails 4 does do it a little different from what I understand, this previous SO answer provided some good links: How is attr_accessible used in Rails 4?

You need to use attr_accessible/Strong Params whenever you're accessing things from the database.


Oh to be young, and not realize Rails 4 uses Strong Params. I understand the OP has already solved his original problem, but I'm going to correct this so it could actually be used as the right answer.

This would be a controller level issue, as Rails 4 requires you to whitelist attributes in the controller.

Ad.create(params[:ad].require(:ad).permit(:title, :price, :description))

Most of the time you'll be permitting the same params in the create and update action, so it's best to move it into its own method within the controller.

def ad_params
  params.require(:ad).permit(:title, :price, :description)

As OP pointed out in his comment, the permitted_params method he implemented was not being called from the permit.

I also faced same problem and worked for 6 hours, and finally got the solution.

Try this Code, it will help you! In Rails 4, this feature is added to deal with creation in different ways.

def new
  @ad = Ad.new

def create
  @ad = Ad.create(ad_params)


def ad_params
  params.require(:ad).permit(:title, :price, :description)

Ad new before add params.permit!

   def create
     @ad = Ad.new(params[:ad])    

Your's should look like this:

def new
    @ad = Ad.new(params[:ad].permit(:title, :price, :description))

Mine looks like this:

def create
    @about = About.new(params[:about].permit(:introduction, :description))

    respond_to do |format|
        if @about.save
            format.html { redirect_to @about, notice: 'About was successfully created.' }
            format.json { render action: 'show', status: :created, location: @about }
            format.html { render action: 'new' }
            format.json { render json: @about.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }