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Rails 3 Root Route issues?

Hey folks i am having some issues with rails root routs. For some reason I can not get root url (localhost:3000/) to route to the appropriate place.

I have built a brand new app and used scaffold to generate the "questions" model. I can confirm that the"index" action exists (by default from scaffold)

Here is my code:

Fbauth::Application.routes.draw do
  resources :questions
  root :to => 'questions#index'

Rake Routes Output:

 (in /home/jsfour/rails3_apps/fbauth)
    questions GET    /questions(.:format)          {:action=>"index", :controller=>"questions"}
              POST   /questions(.:format)          {:action=>"create", :controller=>"questions"}
 new_question GET    /questions/new(.:format)      {:action=>"new", :controller=>"questions"}
edit_question GET    /questions/:id/edit(.:format) {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"questions"}
     question GET    /questions/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"show", :controller=>"questions"}
              PUT    /questions/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"update", :controller=>"questions"}
              DELETE /questions/:id(.:format)      {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"questions"}
         root        /(.:format)                   {:controller=>"questions", :action=>"index"}

What is the problem here? Why is localhost:3000/ giving me the "welcome to rails" message?

like image 596
jsfour Avatar asked Dec 11 '10 20:12


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2 Resource Routing: the Rails Default. Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a given resourceful controller. Instead of declaring separate routes for your index, show, new, edit, create, update and destroy actions, a resourceful route declares them in a single line of code.

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1 Answers

You need to delete public/index.html - it will have priority over your root action.

like image 182
Reuben Mallaby Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 13:11

Reuben Mallaby