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Rails 3 JQuery page.insert_html and TypeError: Element.insert is not a function

I replaced Prototype with JQuery for Rails 3. I am now trying to do the following:

    =render 'shared/photo'
  = link_to_function "Add a Photo" do |page| |
      page.insert_html :bottom, 'photo', :partial => 'shared/photo', :object => Photo.new |
    end |

So the Javascript generated is:

try {
    Element.insert("photo", {
        bottom: "Data\n\n"
} catch (e) {
    alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
    alert('Element.insert(\"photo\", { bottom: \"Data\\n\\n\" });');
    throw e
return false;

In the rails docs insert_html is a Prototype helper, but I thought that replacing Rails.js with the https://github.com/rails/jquery-ujs would replace this helpers for JQuery helpers. I get a TypeError.ElementInsert is not a function.

Am I doing something wrong ? Or am I going to do this myself without the helpers ?

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daniel Avatar asked Jan 27 '11 19:01


2 Answers

Someone just sent this question to me, maybe I can help. I'm on the jquery-ujs/jquery-rails team.

Unlike prototype-ujs for rails, jquery-ujs does not come bundled with rjs support. There is a separate gem that provides that functionality called jrails.

We've talked about merging the two projects, but decided to keep them separate, as it's more flexible that way.

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jangosteve Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 16:10


I have a fairly rudimentary workaround. In my case I've run page.insert_html(:top ,'content', render('form')).

The error is caused by the generated .js.rjs code trying to run Element.insert(), which is a prototype function. I don't know enough about rails to do anything very productive, however adding the following to my application.js has worked form me:

//Check if the function exists
if (typeof Element.insert !== "function") {
  //If not, hook it onto the $().append method.
  Element.insert = function (elem, ins) {
    $("#" + elem).append(ins.top);

Obviously, this is basic and will only work with :top, so adjust to your needs. There must be a better way...

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kdoole Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10
