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RadioButtonList OnSelectedIndexChanged

I'm looking for the best way to handle a change of index being selected on a ASP.net RadioButtonList (C# code behind). I have 3 list items. For the first one, I want it to show a hidden asp:textbox on the page, whereas the other 2 will hide the textbox.

//asp.net side
<asp:RadioButtonList ID="_indicatorAckType" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
                enabled="true" OnSelectedIndexChanged="onAckTypeChanged">
    <asp:ListItem Text="None" />
    <asp:ListItem Text="SHOW" />   
    <asp:ListItem Text="HIDE" />

//code behind
protected void onAckTypeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (_indicatorAckType.SelectedItem.Text == "SHOW")
        _myTextboxID.Visible = true;
        _myTextboxID.Visible = false;

I initially tried using onclick event handlers, but I've been told that ListItem's cannot use onclick events with radio button items. What am I doing wrong here? This does not throw any errors or have any visibly obvious problems. I have tried making onSelectedIndexChanged do nothing except show the textbox and that doesn't work either.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks everyone.

like image 374
ImGreg Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 14:08


2 Answers

On the RadioButtonList, set the AutoPostBack attribute to true.

like image 134
James Johnson Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 22:11

James Johnson

Have a look at this it might help. And I suggest to turn off autopostback if enabled on radio button do it all on client side using jquery.


Using jQuery, hide a textbox if a radio button is selected

like image 1
Bobby Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 21:11
