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Radial menu android with button click? [closed]


I want to design menu like this.

I have tried animation but it does not retains position of buttons.

if any one have done this type of menu please guide me.

Any help will be appreciated.

enter image description here

like image 754
MAC Avatar asked Sep 25 '12 06:09


1 Answers

I recently created this circular menu to add up in my recent project. It looks like enter image description here

What you need is to create a new View and draw this view, check for the user inputs (where he is touching), design a feedback mechanism, for example, in my view, if user touches any of the 5 arcs, background color changes to skyblue. Here is my code for onDrawMethod.

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {         // TODO Auto-generated method stub          px = getMeasuredWidth()/2;              py = getMeasuredHeight();           initial = 144;         finalangle = 252;          centerCircleradius  = 30;         middleCircleRadius = 140;                 int init, fina;             init = 160;                 fina = 360;             finalOVal.set(px-middleCircleRadius-4, py-middleCircleRadius-4, px+middleCircleRadius+4, py+middleCircleRadius+4);             middleOval.set(px-middleCircleRadius, py-middleCircleRadius, px+middleCircleRadius, py+middleCircleRadius);             while(init<fina)             {                 circlePaint.setColor(colors[i]);                 canvas.drawArc(finalOVal,init,10,false, circlePaint);                 i++;                 if(i>=colors.length)                 {                     i=0;                 }                 init = init + 10;              }                canvas.drawArc(middleOval, 180, 180, false, pencil);              midInitial = 180;               i=0;              //Creating the first Arc             if(arcTouched[0])             {                  canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, arcTouchedBack);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             else             {                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, middleCircleBody);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap.get(0), null, (putBitmapTo(midInitial, 36, 140, px, py)), null);             midInitial+=36;              if(arcTouched[1])             {                  canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, arcTouchedBack);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             else             {                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, middleCircleBody);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap.get(1), null, (putBitmapTo(midInitial, 36, 140, px, py)), null);             midInitial+=36;              if(arcTouched[2])             {                  canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, arcTouchedBack);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             else             {                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, middleCircleBody);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap.get(2), null, (putBitmapTo(midInitial, 36, 140, px, py)), null);             midInitial+=36;             //Creatring the second Arc              if(arcTouched[3])             {                  canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, arcTouchedBack);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             else             {                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, middleCircleBody);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap.get(3), null, (putBitmapTo(midInitial, 36, 140, px, py)), null);             midInitial+=36;              if(arcTouched[4])             {                  canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, arcTouchedBack);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             else             {                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, middleCircleBody);                 canvas.drawArc(middleOval, midInitial, 36, true, pencil);             }             canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap.get(4), null, (putBitmapTo(midInitial, 36, 140, px, py)), null);                        canvas.drawCircle(px, py-10, 40, pencil);             canvas.drawCircle(px, py-10, 39, smallCircleCore);              canvas.drawCircle(px, py-10, 35, bigArc);             canvas.drawCircle(px, py-10, 20, smallCircleCore);              canvas.drawCircle(px, py-10, 15, bigArc);             canvas.drawLine(px-8, py-10, px+8, py-10, lineCore);          canvas.save();     } 

Some reference that you might need.

bitmap -> is an arraylist that contains images

arcToched[] -> is an array that defines the background for arc, the values of this boolean array gets modified in onTouchEvent() method.

lineCore, smallCircleCore ..... are paints.

I know this isn't the best way and not professional too. I created this menu as per need. Its not scale able in a way until you change the angle calculations.

This view is highly inspired from Catch Notes Application. The only trouble I face in creating this view was to determine the arc touched. The only animation I used in here are just like again Catch Notes (the one in which circular menu extends a bit more than given size then gets back normal).

like image 195
Paras Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 08:10
