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RackUnit source location inside of macros

I am building a set of rackunit tests, where the actual test-case and check-equal? function is defined in a macro. The code looks something like this:

#lang racket

(require rackunit

(define-syntax (my-test=? stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ case1 case2)
     (syntax/loc stx
       (test-case "tests"
         (check-equal? case1 case2)))]))

(define tests
  (test-suite "tests"
    (my-test=? 'a 'b)))

(run-tests tests)

However, when I run this code I get the following output:

tests > tests
name:       check-equal?
location:   unsaved-editor:11:9
actual:     'a
expected:   'b
. Check failure
0 success(es) 1 failure(s) 0 error(s) 1 test(s) run

Where line 11 is the line of the check-equal? function inside of the macro: (check-equal? case1 case2)))]))

Is there any way I can rackunit to show the error on the line where my-test=? is used: (my-test=? 'a 'b)))?

like image 535
Leif Andersen Avatar asked Aug 26 '15 18:08

Leif Andersen

1 Answers

You can put the syntax location directly on the check-equal? expression to get the behavior that you want. Here's an example:

(define-syntax (my-test=? stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ case1 case2)
       (test-case "tests"
         #,(syntax/loc stx (check-equal? case1 case2))))]))

Putting the syntax location on the outer expression doesn't automatically propagate it in general.

With this change, the location is reported as "15:4" for me (as opposed to "11:9") which is where the (my-test=? 'a 'b) expression occurs.

like image 50
Asumu Takikawa Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

Asumu Takikawa