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Rackspace - how to get URL of Container and file .net



I am using Rackspace to upload files in file container. Please suggest how to upload the file to Server and access the URL

like image 548
Liya S Avatar asked Aug 06 '13 11:08

Liya S

1 Answers

Create an Valid Rackspace account Create a New container to save the files you need to keep

public bool CreateNewContainer(string strContainerName)
        bool isSuccess = false;
            var cloudIdentity = new CloudIdentity() { APIKey = strAPIKey, Username = strUserName };
            var cloudFilesProvider = new CloudFilesProvider(cloudIdentity);
            ObjectStore createContainerResponse = cloudFilesProvider.CreateContainer(strContainerName);
            if (createContainerResponse == ObjectStore.ContainerCreated || createContainerResponse == ObjectStore.ContainerExists)
                isSuccess = true;
        catch (Exception)
        { }
        return isSuccess;

Then make the container publically available by setting CDN Enabled

var cloudIdentity = new CloudIdentity() { APIKey = strAPIKey, Username = strUserName };
var cloudFilesProvider = new CloudFilesProvider(cloudIdentity);
cloudFilesProvider.EnableCDNOnContainer(strContainerName, false);

Get the public URL of container

var cloudIdentity = new CloudIdentity() { APIKey = strAPIKey, Username = strUserName };
            var cloudFilesProvider = new CloudFilesProvider(cloudIdentity);
            ContainerCDN strCdnURL = cloudFilesProvider.GetContainerCDNHeader(strContainerName);
            string returnURL = strCdnURL.CDNUri

Then use this URL and file name of uploaded file to access the file publicly

like image 74
Prem Singh Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10

Prem Singh