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R sub extract everything before last occurence of a character



I have the following vector c:


I want to extract everything before the last occurence of '-', meaning that I would keep this


I've tried the following:

sub([-].*, '', "DEF-4-YYY")

But this replaces everything after the first '-', while it should look for the last '-'. Output of the above command is:


What is wrong here?

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user1987607 Avatar asked Jan 22 '18 14:01


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1 Answers

We can do with sub by matching a - followed by zero or more characters that are not a - till the end ($) of the string and replace it with blank ('')

sub('-[^-]*$', '', v1)
#[1] "ABC"   "DEF-4"


v1 <- c('ABC-XXX', 'DEF-4-YYY')
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akrun Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
