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R Shiny - Automatically hide the sidebar when you navigate into tab items

I have a Shiny app - simplified example here - and I want the sidebar to hide dynamically when I navigate into tab items. Indeed users will connect to the app mainly with their mobile.

With the help of the post Hide sidebar in default in shinydashboard, I know how to hide by default the sidebar when you arrive on the app, but after the sidebar is always displayed.

Here is my actual code :

### Load librairies
library(shiny) ; library(shinydashboard) ; library(shinyjs)

### Load data
Weather <- c("cold", "rain", "snow","heat","sun")
Answer <- c("Take a coat","Take an umbrella","Take gloves","Take a swimsuit","Take solair cream")
Mydata <- data.frame( Weather, Answer, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

remove(Weather, Answer)

### Shiny
Entete <- dashboardHeader(title = "My app")

BarreLaterale <- dashboardSidebar(
  sidebarMenu(menuItem(text = "Home", tabName = "MyHome", icon = icon("home"))),
  sidebarMenu(menuItem(text = "My search", tabName = "Search", icon = icon("search")))

Corps <- dashboardBody(



    tabItem(tabName = "MyHome",
            fluidPage("Hello, welcome to the home page")

    tabItem(tabName = "Search",
              box(title = "Weather choice",  width = 6, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "danger",
                  selectInput(inputId = "WeatherChoice", label = NULL, choices = unique(Mydata$Weather))),
              box(title = "Answer", width = 6, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "danger",


Interface <- dashboardPage(Entete, BarreLaterale, Corps, skin = "red")

### Server R
Serveur <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$ReturnAnswer <- renderText({
    as.character(Mydata %>% filter(Weather == input$WeatherChoice) %>% select(Answer))

  addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse")


### Application
shinyApp(Interface, Serveur)
like image 997
Kumpelka Avatar asked Dec 15 '17 10:12


1 Answers

I added an id to your sidebarmenu (Note: you only need one sidebarmenu with multiple menuItems), and an observeEvent to listen to changes in the selected tab, using that id:

### Load librairies
library(shiny) ; library(shinydashboard) ; library(shinyjs)

### Load data
Weather <- c("cold", "rain", "snow","heat","sun")
Answer <- c("Take a coat","Take an umbrella","Take gloves","Take a swimsuit","Take solair cream")
Mydata <- data.frame( Weather, Answer, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

remove(Weather, Answer)

### Shiny
Entete <- dashboardHeader(title = "My app")

BarreLaterale <- dashboardSidebar(
                menuItem(text = "Home", tabName = "MyHome", icon = icon("home")),
              menuItem(text = "My search", tabName = "Search", icon = icon("search")))

Corps <- dashboardBody(



    tabItem(tabName = "MyHome",
            fluidPage("Hello, welcome to the home page")

    tabItem(tabName = "Search",
              box(title = "Weather choice",  width = 6, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "danger",
                  selectInput(inputId = "WeatherChoice", label = NULL, choices = unique(Mydata$Weather))),
              box(title = "Answer", width = 6, solidHeader = TRUE, status = "danger",


Interface <- dashboardPage(Entete, BarreLaterale, Corps, skin = "red")

### Server R
Serveur <- function(input, output, session) {

  output$ReturnAnswer <- renderText({
    as.character(Mydata %>% filter(Weather == input$WeatherChoice) %>% select(Answer))

  # this line is now actually obsolete.
  addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse")

                 # for desktop browsers
                 addClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-collapse")
                 # for mobile browsers
                 removeClass(selector = "body", class = "sidebar-open")

### Application
shinyApp(Interface, Serveur)

Now, any time you switch from one tab to the other, the sidebar is hidden again.

Hope this helps!

like image 55
Florian Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 05:11
