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R Plotly unable to remove trace 0 from bar chart





In my Shiny app, plotly produces a trace 0 in the legend that imbalances my graph.

This is what the graph looks like (notice the trace 0 in the legend). enter image description here

However on clicking on trace 0 in the legend, the graph returns back to normal

enter image description here

Is there a way of removing this trace 0 from my plot completely?

Here is my code:

1) My dataframe is first filtered inside a reactive function


  results_combined %>%
  filter(!is.na(SVM_LABEL_QOL) & SVM_LABEL_QOL=='QoL' & globalsegment==input$inp_pg1segment & Account==input$inp_pg1clientsfiltered & Date >=input$inp_pg1daterange[1] & Date <=input$inp_pg1daterange[2]) %>% #Input: Account
  select(Account,Date,SVM_LABEL_DIMENSION) %>%
  mutate(Month=month(as.Date(format(as.POSIXct(Date),format = "%d/%m/%Y"),"%d/%m/%Y"))) %>%
  select(Account,Month,SVM_LABEL_DIMENSION,-Date) %>%
  group_by(Month,SVM_LABEL_DIMENSION) %>%
  summarise(Monthly_Count=n()) %>%
  spread(SVM_LABEL_DIMENSION,Monthly_Count) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(Month=month.abb[Month]) %>%
  mutate_all(funs(replace(., is.na(.), 0)))


2) Then some more changes are made to the filtered dataframe inside another reactive function

global_evolution() %>%

3) Finally I use plot_ly to construct the bar chart. However the trace 0 cannot be removed

output$pg1evolution <- renderPlotly({

colNames <- names(global_evolution_final())[-1] #Assuming Month is the first column

p <- plotly::plot_ly(data = global_evolution_final(), x = ~Month, type = "bar")

for(trace in colNames){
  p <- p %>% plotly::add_trace(y = as.formula(paste0("~`", trace, "`")), name = trace)

p %>% 
  layout(title = "Trend Over Time",showlegend = FALSE,
         xaxis = list(title = ""),
         yaxis = list (title = "Monthly Count of QoL Tweets"))

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. My apologies in advance for not being able to include reproducible data.

like image 819
Varun Avatar asked Oct 06 '17 12:10


1 Answers

There's a problem with your approach.

Check this below reproducible code to fix yours.

df <- iris

p <- plotly::plot_ly()

colNames <- names(df)

colNames <- colNames[-which(colNames == 'Species')]

for(trace in colNames){
  p <- p %>% plotly::add_trace(data= df, x = ~ Species, y = as.formula(paste0("~`", trace, "`")), name = trace)

  print(paste0("~`", trace, "`"))



enter image description here

Ideally, Your modified code should be something like this:

output$pg1evolution <- renderPlotly({

colNames <- names(global_evolution_final())[-1] #Assuming Month is the first column

p <- plotly::plot_ly()

for(trace in colNames){
  p <- p %>% plotly::add_trace(data = global_evolution_final(), x = ~Month, y = as.formula(paste0("~`", trace, "`")), name = trace, type = "bar")

p %>% 
  layout(title = "Trend Over Time",showlegend = FALSE,
         xaxis = list(title = ""),
         yaxis = list (title = "Monthly Count of QoL Tweets"))
like image 85
amrrs Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 22:10
